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Moving from Dubai to Mauritania

Moving from Dubai to Mauritania

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Moving from Dubai to Mauritania

Are you relocating to Mauritania anytime soon? If so, you probably already know moving to Mauritania from Dubai, UAE is a big task and, as such, it’s going to require a lot of support. All international moves involve thorough research, preparation and the finding of qualified overseas shippers to ensure your goods arrive safely in your new destination. Before you do anything, talk to the professionals in Dubai Movers. Our company is here to assist you with all the logistics of your Mauritania relocation, so you can focus on other important matters for your move across the globe. Thanks to years of experience shipping to Mauritania from Dubai, UAE and helping clients with relocation to Mauritania, we’re your resource for creating a smooth transition.

How Dubai Movers can help for moving to Mauritania

When you’re relocating to Mauritania, let our professionals partner with you to make the move successful. At Dubai Movers, our moving specialists will assist you with every aspect of planning your move. From household shipping to Mauritania from Dubai, UAE, to helping you handle Customs, we’re here for you. Find out more about all of our available shipping services and options to decide what best suits your needs based on certain criteria:

  • Your moving timeline: When do you need to be in Mauritania? Should you ship your goods via air or sea freight?
  • Your real estate plans: Will you be renting or buying?
  • Your fragile items: Do you require custom crating services?
  • Your family/household size: Are you moving alone or with family? For business or personal reasons?
  • Cubic feet estimate. How large is your shipment to Mauritania?

How Much Does a Move to Mauritania Cost?

Schedule a home survey to receive an accurate estimate to ship your goods overseas to Mauritania. One of our moving specialists will visit your home to assess your belongings and provide you with a free quote for your desired services. The cost will vary based on the cubic footage of your shipment, the method of shipping (air versus sea freight) the services you require (packing and custom crating), and many other factors.

About Mauritania

Mauritania, a nation on the Atlantic shore of Africa. Mauritania shapes a geographic and social extension between the North African Maghrib (a district that likewise incorporates Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia) and the westernmost segment of Sub-Saharan Africa. Socially it frames a temporary zone between the Arab-Amazigh (Berber) populaces of North Africa and the African people groups in the district toward the south of the Tropic of Cancer known as Sudan (a name got from the Arabic bilād al-sūdān, “place where there is the blacks”). Quite a bit of Mauritania includes part of the Sahara desert, and, until the dry spell conditions that influenced the majority of that zone of Africa during the 1970s, a huge extent of the populace was migrant. The nation’s mineral riches incorporates enormous stores of iron metal, copper, and gypsum, which are all presently being abused, just as some oil assets.

Mauritania was regulated as a French province during the primary portion of the twentieth century and got autonomous on November 28, 1960. By the particulars of the constitution, Islam is the official state religion, however, the republic ensures opportunity of still, small voice and strict freedom to all. Arabic is the official language; Fula, Soninke, and Wolof are public dialects. The capital, Nouakchott, is situated in the southwestern piece of the nation.

Mauritania Economy

In the Sahel locale of Mauritania, a customary resource economy made out of animals raising, farming, specialities, and negligible exchanging upholds the majority of the populace. In the Sahara area, notwithstanding, an advanced fare economy is creating, in light of the abuse of iron mineral and copper assets and of the rich fishing waters off the mainland rack. The Mauritanian economy gets genuinely necessary capital speculation and specialized help from abroad, and, thusly, it is delicate to the instabilities on the planet markets.

More than three-fourths of the Mauritanian populace take part in customary exercises, among which animals raising is the most significant. In numbers, goats and sheep are the most significant animals, trailed by cows and camels. Steers are brought principally up in the southern district, though goats and sheep are scattered as far north as the constraints of the Sahara. Camels are brought generally up in the north and the inside, particularly in the Adrar district. The development of the Mauritanian economy eased back during the 1980s after a long time of quick extension during the 1960s and ’70s.

Since the serious dry spell in the mid-1970s, the nation has been needy upon imported groceries to take care of its populace. In the mid-1980s, iron metal creation eased back in view of a decrease in world market costs; fishing turned into the main wellspring of unfamiliar trade income and remained so for a significant part of the 1990s. During the 1990s the administration started to exhibit its responsibility to the advancement of a vacationer industry to additionally enhance the Mauritanian economy.

Mauritania’s financial plan, generally in shortfall, was ostensibly adjusted in the last part of the 1980s. During the 1980s head and enthusiasm on a generally huge unfamiliar obligation were rescheduled, yet obligation stays a huge issue. During the 1990s and mid-2000s, extra parts of Mauritania’s obligation were rescheduled or dropped, and in 2005 the nation was affirmed for the alleviation of its multilateral obligation.

Unfamiliar guide, both reciprocal (from France, Japan, Germany, and the Netherlands) and by multilateral organizations, (for example, the African Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund [IMF], the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and the European Union [EU]), is principally focused to aid venture improvement but at the same time is utilized for budgetary and food uphold. In the last part of the 1990s, givers connected guide to Mauritania with expanded investment by the private segment. In spite of the fact that the administration consequently privatized some of its possessions, benefactors were disparaging of practices that prevented the advancement of local business sectors.

Increments in the (GDP) during the most recent twenty years of the twentieth century were by and large balance by populace increments. Mauritania’s GDP developed determinedly in the primary many years of the 21st century, principally on account of oil-based goods that started in 2006. Early idealism that oil creation may give a significant new wellspring of salary, in any case, has been tempered by frustrating outcomes.

Mauritania Customs, Currency & Airport Tax regulations details


Import regulations:

Free import by non-residents of 18 years and over:
– 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco;
– 50 grams of perfume and 1/4 litre of eau-de-Cologne;
Prohibited: alcoholic beverages; pork and pork products.

Arms and Ammunition regulations:

Sporting guns are allowed if holding a gun license and import license. These licenses must be obtained from the Home Ministry of Mauritania before arrival.

Wild Fauna and Flora:

The import of certain endangered species of plant, live animals and their products is prohibited or restricted under CITES.

Export regulations:

Dangerous goods according to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations.

Crew members customs regulations:

There are no duty-free import allowances for the crew.


Rabies vaccination certificate and a health certificate from the country of origin are required. Dogs and cats of less than 3 months old are accepted without complying with sanitary regulations.

Baggage Clearance regulations:

Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in Mauritania (Nouakchott International Airport ).

Exempt: baggage of transit passengers with a destination outside of Mauritania.


Currency Import regulations:

Local currency (Mauritanian Ouguiya-MRU): prohibited.
Foreign currencies: unlimited if declared on arrival.

Currency Export regulations:

Local currency (Mauritanian Ouguiya-MRU): prohibited.
Foreign currencies: the equivalent of MRU 10,000.- per year (children under 10 years: MRU 5,000.-).

Local currency (Mauritanian Ouguiya-MRU): prohibited.
Foreign currencies: up to the amount imported and declared.

Airport Tax

No airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation at the airport.

To ask more about our Dubai Movers company please use the form available on our contact page, give us a call at +97143306717 or send any inquiries to our email address

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