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Moving from Dubai to Cook Islands

Moving from Dubai to Cook Islands

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Moving from Dubai to the Cook Islands

Do you need abroad transportation administrations for your worldwide move to the Cook Islands? While moving abroad isn’t just energizing, it likewise requires broad exploration and arranging and in particular, an expert, dependable and gifted global trucking organization to send your home merchandise securely to your new nation. In the event that you are arranging an abroad move to the Cook Islands, let Dubai Movers help you with each part of your migration to guarantee it is consistent and peaceful.

To ask more about our company please use the form available on our contact page, give us a call at +97143306717 or send any inquiries to our email address

How Dubai Movers can help for moving to the Cook Islands

At the point when you are moving to the Cook Islands, and International Moving Expert will screen the whole procedure to make it consistent and bring the most appropriate moving choices for you relying upon your necessities. Your standards may include:

  • Your moving course of events: When do you should be in the Cook Islands? Would it be advisable for you to transport your products by means of air or ocean cargo?
  • Your land plans: Will you lease or purchasing a home?
  • Your delicate things: Do you require pressing or custom crating
  • Your family/family unit size: Are you moving alone or with family? For business or individual reasons?
  • Your cubic feet gauge: How enormous is your shipment?

The amount Does a Move to the Cook Islands Cost?

Cost is consistently a pivotal factor when arranging you’re abroad moving. Start by booking a home overview with Dubai Movers to get a gauge to dispatch your products to the Cook Islands. One of our prepared moving pros will visit your home to survey your effects and decide the cubic film of your shipment. You will at that point get a free statement for the universal moving administrations you need!

At last, the expense of your abroad move to the Cook Islands will shift depending on the cubic film of your shipment, your favoured strategy for transportation (air versus ocean cargo) the administrations you require, (for example, pressing and custom crating), and numerous different components.

About the Cook Islands

The Cook Islands, a self-overseeing island state in free relationship with New Zealand, situated in the South Pacific Ocean. Its 15 little atolls and islands have an all-out land zone similar to that of a medium-sized city, however, they are spread over around 770,000 square miles (2,000,000 square km) of the ocean—a zone about as extensive as Greenland. Niue, the westernmost of the islands, is an authoritatively isolated state. The managerial seat is Avarua, on the island of Rarotonga. Region (land just) 91.4 square miles (236.7 square km). Pop. (2011) 14,974.

Cook Islands Economy

Farming and fishing

Agrarian creation comprises basically of little cultivating, either for residential utilization or for shipment to New Zealand. Cassava, yams, and different roots and tubers are the chief harvests. Most business fishing is finished by Taiwanese, South Korean, and Japanese vessels working out of American Samoa, however, there is far-reaching looking for household utilization. A few types of fish make up the essential catch.

Assets and force

Phosphate is available on the floor of the Manihiki tidal pond, and there are huge stores of manganese and cobalt and some different metals on the seabed close Manihiki. Exploratory mining activities started there in 1999. Imported powers are used for vitality creation, however, there is some utilization of sunlight based and wind power.

Assembling and exchange

The little mechanical division incorporates dress and shoe assembling and food handling, for the most part for the fare to New Zealand. Refined pearls and fish are by a wide margin the significant fares. The hardware of different sorts, minerals and energizes, and food and live creatures are noteworthy imports. New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji are the main wellsprings of imports; significant fare goals are Japan, New Zealand, and Australia.

Administrations, account, and tax collection

The administration division rules the economy, with the travel industry the biggest single benefactor. Guests come fundamentally from New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Canada, and Europe. The second biggest financial part is universal money, as the Cook Islands are a significant seaward assessment asylum.

Government has a critical influence on the economy and is the biggest manager. Charges are moderate, the unfamiliar venture is empowered, and unfamiliar guide—to a great extent from New Zealand—makes a huge commitment to the economy. The New Zealand dollar is the fiscal unit of the Cook Islands.


Every island has a system of streets; a cleared street encloses Rarotonga and is served by open transports. Ordinary assistance by little aeroplane interfaces all the bigger islands. There are ports at Rarotonga (Avatiu), Penrhyn, Mangaia, and Aitutaki, however, dispatching calendars can be unpredictable. There is a global air terminal on Rarotonga.

Cook Isl. Customs, Currency & Airport Tax regulations details


Import regulations:

Free import by persons of 18 years and over:
– 2 litres of alcoholic beverages or 4.5 litres of beer;
– 200 cigarettes or 20 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco;
– perfume for personal use only;
– a reasonable amount of gifts;
– other goods (not for resale) up to NZD 750.-.

Arms and Ammunition regulations:

The import of firearms and ammunition requires permission from the Cook Islands’ Minister of Police.
Prohibited: fireworks, flick knives, swordsticks, knuckle-dusters and weapons disguised to give the appearance of another article.

Additional Information on regulations:

Import of fruit, meat and livestock from all countries is prohibited except New Zealand. Details can be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Rarotonga, Cook Isl.

Crew members customs regulations:

If arriving as a passenger the same regulations as for passengers apply. No information is available yet if arriving as Operating Crew.


Cats and dogs may only be imported from Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Ireland (Rep.) and only if sent as cargo in strong containers.
Exception: seeing-eye dogs may accompany a passenger in the cabin, subject to permission of the transporting airline.

Baggage Clearance regulations:

Baggage is cleared at Rarotonga (RAR).
Exempt: baggage of transit passengers, if they do not leave the airport and re-board the same flight on which they arrived.


Currency Import regulations:

Local currency (New Zealand Dollar-NZD) and foreign currencies: no restrictions. However, amounts exceeding NZD 10,000.-, or equivalent (incl. Bearer Negotiable Instruments – (BNI)) must be declared.

Currency Export regulations:

Local currency (New Zealand Dollar-NZD) and foreign currencies: no restrictions. However, amounts exceeding NZD 10,000.-, or equivalent (incl. Bearer Negotiable Instruments (BNI)) must be declared.

Airport Tax

No airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation at the airport.

To ask more about our company please use the form available on our contact page, give us a call at +97143306717 or send any inquiries to our email address

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